Friday, June 16, 2006

We had a retaining wall put in by the hillside stairs - because the dry season is so dry the dirt on the hillside was crumbling onto the stairs - now the new wall with a slate rock facing which matches the gate pillars is complete - the guys did a beautiful job

More seedlings - I am still planting seeds and we'll make many neighbors happy because I will not be able to use all that I've produced so they will get the extras

We had to have the macheteros come again to clear our undeveloped land

A garden resident - he is so beautiful and was very patient while Michael took his picture

On a recent walk we happened on a couple cowboys - they were riding a mare and her three month old colt was trailing along - I took this picture and then went home and printed them a copy - they love getting a picture of themselves - they waited outside the house until I brought the pictures to them - most of the young ones have never seen a picture of themselves

All these plants cost $38 - you have to love Panama prices

Everything is so green - we are definitely enjoying the rains - we have a full time gardener; however, Michael insists on mowing the grass himself - he is able to mow the entire property with a standard mower, (no self propelled action for him)in three hours - I'm afraid I'll look down in the garden and see him passed out from exhaustion.

We groom the dogs ourselves - this is Sissy looking good after her spa treatment

Once every few days we have these beautiful clouds roll over the mountain - it makes me feel like I'm living in Jurassic Park

The office window boxes are so beautiful