Monday, January 30, 2006

We went to the market on Friday and we got about 3 pounds of dorado (mahi mahi) and 3 pounds of marlin. It cost $13.00 for all. We had the dorado on Friday night, yum yum, and the marlin on Saturday night. This picture is of the marlin before grilling. Matt was beside himself with anticipation. The fish is caught daily and trucked to Boquete. Large coolers of ice hold many delicious choices.

When we take the dogs on their morning walk the cats are always in a window waiting for our return.

Matt and Stacy getting ready to put the marlin on the grill.

Matt and Stacy left yesterday to go back to Denver - we hated to see them go - they are fun to be with. This picture was taken right before they left for the airport - a good luck rainbow appeared just as I took this picture.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Most recent garden shot.
A night on the town - Melissa, Sarah and Megan - Boquete will never be the same.

Stacy and Matt on their first morning walk. This is their second visit in less than a year - I think they like it. As you can see they are dressed warmly - our morning temperatures are in the low 60s. Our highs are in the low 70s.
The cats have discovered the high places in the house - I guess it was just a matter of time. Now the battle is on as to who will win the "Bad kittie - you can't be on the counter battle". Whoever said that the spray bottle routine works needs to be reminded that it only works if you're present when the transgression occurs. Consequently, we aren't sure exactly how they're managing these feats because they insist that they aren't getting on the counters.

Sarah relaxing after a long morning run. Sissy, our miniature schnauzer, is in hog heaven now that the kids are back home. She gets held and fed constantly.||
Sarah and Matt - the kids had a 4 day overlap in their visit and it made for a fun time.

We are doing work on the lower property - our neighbor Bob has designed and built a beautiful bridge that will span the creek that separates our properties. Bob is in the coveralls, Alex his gardener/handyman is in the blue cap and Michael and Matt are assisting.

Next stage of bridge - in the next few days Bob anticipates he will be finished. He has done such a beautiful job with the design and construction!

What is a garden without a sunflower or two. I planted these in the undeveloped lower garden. They have been in the ground about four weeks.||

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The rainy season is officially over - the garden is now really blooming because we have a lot of sun.

Melissa, our daughter, has arrived for her second visit to Panama.

This was taken just at dusk on the upper terrace on Thanksgiving - Debbie, Patricia, Melissa and Sharon.

Sarah, our daughter, and her best amiga, Megan have arrived for their first visit.

Megan, Melissa and Sarah getting ready for New Year's eve party at the Palo Alta.

Sarah, Megan, Melissa and Mike celebrating the New Year!

Double rainbow on Christmas morning.

Beautiful sunset on Christmas day.

Melissa havesting my first celery on Thanksgiving day.

Another party!

Melissa helping Ricardo plant daisies.

Sharon watering the tropical garden.

Michael practicing his chip shots in the lower garden.

Noche listening to piano music.

Orhid blooming.

We had our coffee picked and processed for roasting. We will have it packaged this year under our own label.

The lower jungle path that we had built in October. We will keep this area rustic and native.
