Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New window boxes - we painted the trim around the windows to match the trim color on the roof - it gave the house a little more charm.

The tropical garden by the gate has been planted - most of these plants will average between 2-8 feet with a wide variety of color.

This is my herb garden - we have a few more herbs to add - if you look closely you can see the white netting on the side of the house - this should be covered with morning glory vines in just a few weeks.

The little tropical garden next to the bodega is really growing.

It is a little difficult to see how these jasmine like vines have covered the fence - they have started to bloom and the scent is beautiful.

By December these plants will be between 5-6 feet in height.

We have a net surrounding the dish - hopefully this eyesore will disappear - Mike keeps threatening that if it starts interfering with his satellite reception it will have to go.

The tropical garden around the spring has really taken off.

When it rains the collection pool traps the excess water from the upper yard and transports it down the Rio Colorado - our name for the drainage channel.

Coconut fiber trail.

We had our official garden celebration with some of our garden workers - for some this was their first view of the garden from the terrace - they were visibly impressed with their work.

This is my kitchen window - it is great having a beautiful view when working.

More party pictures - we had a great weather day - the temperature was 75 degrees.

Ricardo our gardener really likes chips.

This morning glory is the first to bloom - it will cover a lot of our gate trellises

Our new trim paint really looks great.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

This area has been cleared and will be planted this week - it is by the entrance gate

We now have all the iron fence and gates installed - most of the walkpath rock work is done

The bodega is nearly complete - we are waiting for three hundred more red roof tiles

We had to have the lower gate moved because we couldn't see it from the house - now it looks fine.

The fence vines are quickly covering the barbed wire

Just outside the kitchen window are gardenia plants - I just love the aroma - the crystal vase in the window holds my recent harvest of blooms - I can't resist picking them

This is a view from the car port looking at the tropical garden by the front gate - this area will be planted this week

Our kittens are fast becoming big cats - Noche is nearly as big as Sissy - Noche is also laying on Jag - she doesn't seem to mind

Two days ago I was sitting on the terrace enjoying my first morning coffee when Michael saw this bird in the tree behind me - It has a nut in it's bill

We had a hazy morning and low cloud cover - the mountain has disappeared